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首先说说.gitignore。在 Mac OS X 上用 Xcode 做iOS开发,有一些文件通常是不应该提交到版本管理库里面去的,那就需要在项目的根目录下添加 .gitignore 文件,并编辑其内容,将这些文件按一定的规则添加进来。

下面的 .gitignore 文件是参考Stack Overflow上关于 gitignore for Xcode Project 的讨论而来,基本上总结了目前我们需要在 .gitignore 中设置的内容,并做了详细的说明:

# .gitignore file for Xcode4 / OS X Source projects
# Version 2.1
# For latest version, see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/49478/git-ignore-file-for-xcode-projects
# 2013 updates:
# - fixed the broken "save personal Schemes"
# - added line-by-line explanations for EVERYTHING (some were missing)
# NB: if you are storing "built" products, this WILL NOT WORK,
# and you should use a different .gitignore (or none at all)
# This file is for SOURCE projects, where there are many extra
# files that we want to exclude

# OS X temporary files that should never be committed
# c.f. http://www.westwind.com/reference/os-x/invisibles.html


# c.f. http://www.westwind.com/reference/os-x/invisibles.html


# c.f. http://www.westwind.com/reference/os-x/invisibles.html


# *.lock - this is used and abused by many editors for many different things.
#    For the main ones I use (e.g. Eclipse), it should be excluded 
#    from source-control, but YMMV


# profile - REMOVED temporarily (on double-checking, this seems incorrect; I can't find it in OS X docs?)

# Xcode temporary files that should never be committed
# NB: NIB/XIB files still exist even on Storyboard projects, so we want this...


# Xcode build files -
# NB: slash on the end, so we only remove the FOLDER, not any files that were badly named "DerivedData"


# NB: slash on the end, so we only remove the FOLDER, not any files that were badly named "build"


# Xcode private settings (window sizes, bookmarks, breakpoints, custom executables, smart groups)
# This is complicated:
# SOMETIMES you need to put this file in version control.
# Apple designed it poorly - if you use "custom executables", they are
#  saved in this file.
# 99% of projects do NOT use those, so they do NOT want to version control this file.
#  ..but if you're in the 1%, comment out the line "*.pbxuser"

# .pbxuser: http://lists.apple.com/archives/xcode-users/2004/Jan/msg00193.html


# .mode1v3: http://lists.apple.com/archives/xcode-users/2007/Oct/msg00465.html


# .mode2v3: http://lists.apple.com/archives/xcode-users/2007/Oct/msg00465.html


# .perspectivev3: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5223297/xcode-projects-what-is-a-perspectivev3-file


#    NB: also, whitelist the default ones, some projects need to use these

# Xcode 4 - semi-personal settings
# OPTION 1: ---------------------------------
#     throw away ALL personal settings (including custom schemes!
#     - unless they are "shared")
# NB: this is exclusive with OPTION 2 below

# OPTION 2: ---------------------------------
#     get rid of ALL personal settings, but KEEP SOME OF THEM
#     - NB: you must manually uncomment the bits you want to keep
# NB: this *requires* git v1.8.2 or above; you may need to upgrade to latest OS X,
#    or manually install git over the top of the OS X version
# NB: this is exclusive with OPTION 1 above

#     (requires option 2 above): Personal Schemes

# XCode 4 workspaces - more detailed
# Workspaces are important! They are a core feature of Xcode - don't exclude them :)
# Workspace layout is quite spammy. For reference:
# /(root)/
#   /(project-name).xcodeproj/
#     project.pbxproj
#     /project.xcworkspace/
#       contents.xcworkspacedata
#       /xcuserdata/
#         /(your name)/xcuserdatad/
#           UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
#     /xcsshareddata/
#       /xcschemes/
#         (shared scheme name).xcscheme
#     /xcuserdata/
#       /(your name)/xcuserdatad/
#         (private scheme).xcscheme
#         xcschememanagement.plist

# Xcode 4 - Deprecated classes
# Allegedly, if you manually "deprecate" your classes, they get moved here.
# We're using source-control, so this is a "feature" that we do not want!


# UNKNOWN: recommended by others, but I can't discover what these files are
# ...none. Everything is now explained.

关于 .gitignore 我们还可以参考 github官方的Objective-C.gitignore


Xcode 5 中,苹果的 Source Control 能很好的支持 git。具体如何使用,可以参考:How To Use Git Source Control with Xcode in iOS 7






现在我们有两个分支:b1 和 b2,我们当前在 b1 上。

$ git branch
* b1


如果出现冲突,我们可以到 Xcode 中去 merge 了。




error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you can switch branches.



1)把上述文件加到 .gitignore,最好参考上文的 .gitignore 文件内容;


git rm --cached ProjectFolder.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/myUserName.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
git commit -m "Removed file that shouldn't be tracked"

这之后git就会遵照 .gitignore 来忽略相应的文件了。


